Next regular board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday January 15th, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron, Dave Pederson, Randy Kleiman, Lee Miskovich, and Fritz Steitzer.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached. The interest rate on the town’s checking account is 5.52%.
We received $2,771.68 in interest for the month of October.
Assessor’s Report – Melissa distributed a copy of the Preliminary Major Class Comparison on the assessment of the Town of Pierce. We received our 1st Notice of Non-Compliance. Our assessment ratio is 62.28. Melissa plans to do a total re-evaluation in 2026.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the voting machine contract from Command Central for 2025. (copy attached) Mitch made a motion to approve the contract with Kurt seconding the motion.
We received the $50,000 payment for the bridge aid on the Mashek’s Creek project. Bonnie will request the remainder after the first of the year.
Bonnie also stated that the Town of Pierce has been randomly selected by the Election Commission for an audit on our election machine. On Friday November 22nd our poll workers will get together at the Kewaunee County Admin Center and hand count to verify the tape results. We will receive a small reimbursement from the State for our time. ($219.05)
Zoning report – copies attached .
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – Mashek’s Creek project has been completed. It was discussed again about installing guard rails for safety even though the State does not require them. Brian will get bids and we’ll discuss next month.
New Business – none
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting – none
Other matters – Brian stated that Joe Bader has not done the brushing of the roads.
The next regular meeting will be December 18th, 2024 at 6:30 pm..
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron, Dave Pederson and Joe Bader.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached. The interest rate on the town’s checking account is 4.997%.
We received $2,861.55 in interest for the month of September.
Assessor’s Report – Melissa stated we should be in contact with the Wisconsin Towns Association. She has
heard the State of WI is looking at changing the assessing to full revals every 5 years.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Janeya Soucek has applied for a bartender license. She is currently working for The Grain Loft. Bonnie
presented her application, serving certificate and the background check. Mitch made a motion to approve the
license with Kurt seconding the motion.
J. Jadin Inc submitted their 2024-2025 Snow removal contract. (copy attached) The Grader and Truck hourly fees has been increased by $10.00, the Loader increased by $35.00, and the Salt/Mix increased $5.00 per yard.
After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the contract with Kurt seconded the motion.
Zoning report – copies attached for September and October.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – Mashek’s Creek project – as of today they are done until the 1st week of November when they will be paving and shouldering. DNR has requested that the rock size be adjusted in a couple of areas.
ARIP Grant - we have applied for the grant for Longfellow Road. Total estimated cost of $732,967.00. They will announce around December 3rd who will receive monies for the 2nd round.
New Business – Joe Bader informed the board that they have finished the ditch cutting for the fall. They will complete the brush cutting in the next few weeks. Joe found a couple of signs that need replacement. He can accomplish this - $330 per sign, post and labor. Mitch made a motion to approve Joe fixing the (2) signs for $660. Kurt seconded the motion.
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting – Mashek’s Creek project update
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be November 20th, 2024 at 6:30 pm, with the budget meeting to follow.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Lee Miskovich, Jim Marquardt, Rafael
Sanchez and Raquel Loera. Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report – Melissa is completing her continuing education. Also she is checking into a couple of different programs to replace the current Marketdrive system.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report –
Mitch presented the information for the Planned Commission hearing for Rafael Sanchez. He has requested to rezone 1 acre of land from A-1 to R-1 so his daughter may build a house. Planned Commission approved the request. Mitch made a motion to accept the recommendation from the Planned Commission and grant the request to rezone the acre. Kurt seconded the motion.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – Mashek’s Creek project – trees have been cleared and the project area staked out. They began digging on September 16th. Making good progress.
Alaska Motor Inn – We received a letter from the Wisconsin Dept of Safety & Professional Services in response to the informal complaint we made on the N6084 State Hwy 42 property. They are stating that after completion of the investigation, there is insufficient evidence to meet the standard of proof required to prove that a violation occurred. (copy attached)
New Business – None
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting – Mashek’s Creek project update
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be October 16th, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron,
Dave Pederson, and Lee Miskovich.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Linda brought the loan papers from the Bank of Luxemburg for signatures. Brian attended the Highway
Committee meeting and was told that there is not enough money in the budget for our bridge aid of $217,671.50.
We will receive $50,000 this year with the balance being paid in January of 2025. Linda will talk to John
Price and find out our options. Possibly (2) loans so as to not interfere with our levy limit. The town board will meet on August 28th, 2024 at 7:00 pm to discuss.
Assessor’s Report – Nothing to report.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Roger Teske Memorial Tractor Pull will be held on August 24th, 2024. Bonnie presented the liquor and
soda license applications for approval. Mitch made a motion to approve the licenses with Kurt seconding the motion.
Our election workers make $10.50 per hour along with receiving a meal for working an election. Bonnie checked
with other townships and they are paying $15 - $20 per hour. After discussion, Kurt made a motion to raise the hourly wage from $10.50 to $15.00. Mitch seconded the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Board of Appeals - members Tim Selner and Lynn Utesch terms will expire in September. They both
have been appointed to another 2 year term.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – Mashek’s Creek project is still on track to start after Labor Day. Predicting 3 weeks to finish.
New Business – Brian attended the Kewaunee City Fire/Ambulance meeting – again the mayor and the
administrator did not show up. They have scheduled another meeting for September 3rd, 2024 at 5:00 pm.
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - None
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be September 17th, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron,
Dave Pederson, Joe Bader, Matt Reinhart & Jim Marquardt.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Linda talked with John Price at the Bank of Luxemburg. The loan application has been started for the Mashek’s
Creek Project. It will be a non-taxable loan for $225,000.00 with a fixed rate of 5.52% locked for 5 years and we can borrow for 10 years. Annual principal payment of $22,500.00 with interest paid every 6 months. Mitch
made a motion to borrow $225,000.00 from the Bank of Luxemburg for 10 years with a 5 year rate lock of 5.52%.
Kurt second the motion. 3 yes (Brian, Mitch, Kurt) and 0 no
Assessor’s Report – Nothing to report.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – We did not receive the ARIP grant money. We will apply for the bridge aid of $217,671.50 and borrow the rest for the Mashek’s Creek project. A preconstruction meeting will be held on August 7th at 10:00 am
with Ayres Associates, DeGroot and us. The project will start after labor day.
New Business – Joe Bader presented his proposal for brushing back the roads. After discussion, Mitch made
a motion to approve Joe brushing back the problem roads this year and to use the boom truck to complete the
clean up/brushing on Longfellow road. The amount to complete task – (45 hours) $7,425.00 Kurt seconded
the motion. (copy of contract attached) Joe also suggested spraying for weeds around the culverts, bridges and signs. Will cut down on cost of mowing. We will look into this next year – May.
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting -
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be August 21st, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron, and
Greg Lefevre.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Last month, Linda was asked to check into the LGIP for a better interest rate on the town’s funds. She found
the interest rate to be 5.0% but to transfer money back and forth you need to wire the money. Wire fees are $25.00 each transaction. Linda asked the Bank of Luxemburg for a reduction in the fee – they did better – they offered 5.25% to keep our funds. Yes, we took it. The account will stay local and the interest rate is 5.40%.
Assessor’s Report – Open Book will be held Thursday June 20th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm with Board of
Review being held on June 27th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
The liquor, soda and bartender applications were presented. All fees, real estate and personal property taxes
have been paid. Mitch made a motion to approve the licenses for the following businesses and bartenders:
Alaska Golf Club - Gary Pazdera, Barb Witcpalek, Justin Pazdera and Lani Swanson
The Grove
Red’s Rock n’ shore Pub
Jeff’s Sprts Bar - Jeff Cmejla
The Grain Loft - Stacey Vecellio
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – Mashek’s Creek update – The contract with DeGroot Inc was approved at the special meeting
on June 5, 2024. We have received the official written agreement – after review, Mitch made a motion
to accept and sign the contract. Kurt second the motion. Brian talked with Mike Kohls from the Wisconsin
Town Association – the selection for the ARIP grant will be on June 20th. The recipients will be notified in
two weeks (around the first week of July)
New Business – None
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - None
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be July 17th, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 8:10 pm.
WEDNESDAY MAY 15th, 2024
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister,Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron, Greg Lefevre, Dave Pederson, Joe Bader, Jim Marquardt, Randy Kleiman, and Randy Ebert. Supervisor Mitch Stauber excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached. Linda presented the Mobile Home Court License renewal. The renewal is for 2 years and the fee of $200.00 has been paid. Kurt made a motion to approve the renewal with Brian seconding the motion.
Assessor’s Report – Has had some issues with Market Drive computer program. Still working on the personal property conversion – buildings on leased land.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith stated that she received a notice that solar panels may be coming to our area.
Also a hearing was held for Ebert Enterprises – request was made to lift the number of animals that can be butchered. The Planned Commission’s recommendation is to lift the number. After discussion, Kurt made a motion to lift the number of animals that can be butchered. Brian seconded the motion.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business – Mashek’s Creek update – On April 30th the bids were opened. We received (8) with DeGroot receiving the bid at $395,343.43. We have 45 days to accept. The ARIP grant will be a 90/10 split and awards are expected to happen in July.
New Business –
Quotes for Ditch Cutting - Joe’s Landscaping $12,915.00, Schleis Farms $14,250.00 and Kewaunee County $19,000.00. (copies attached) After discussion, Kurt made a motion to accept Joe’s Landscaping proposal for ditch cutting of $12,915.00. Brian seconded the motion.
Triangle Road – after the fire in March at the Reinke property, the road has crumbled due to age of road and the traffic from the fire trucks etc. It is not safe. We received a bid from J Jadin in the amount of $10,850. Kurt made a motion accept the bid and fix the road. Brian seconded the motion.
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - Mashek’s creek update & liquor license renewals
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be June 19th, 2024 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron,
Lee Miskovich, Greg Lefevre, Dan and Marsha Seiler.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Melissa stated that the assessment roll will not be ready so we will have to meet and adjourn the Board of Review on May 15th, 2024.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Planned Commission met for rezoning of land for Mitchell Stauber. They recommended to rezone 1.6 acres of parcel 31 016 20.077 to correct the property lines on the existing lot and rezone 2.1 acres of 31 016 20.07 for a new parcel lot. Kurt made a motion to approve with Brian seconding the motion. Mitch abstained from voting.
Dan and Marsha Seiler were present to have a Certified Survey Map approved. After discussion, Kurt made a motion to approve with Mitch seconding the motion. Brian appointed Chris Benes to the Planned Commission
for another 3 year term.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – Mashek’s Creek update – Brian, Mitch & Bonnie met on April 4th to work on and submit
the information for the Agri Grant. The total cost of the project is estimated at $525,000. The project will be posted in the newspaper and we will open bids on April 30th at 10:00 am.
New Business –
Brian presented the bids from Scott Construction - $17,049.00 to seal coat 12th Road (west of KK to dead end) and $25,485.00 to seal coat Alaska Lake Road. (copies attached) After discussion, Kurt made a motion to approve with Mitch seconding the motion. Brian abstained from voting.
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - Mashek’s creek update
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be May 15th, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Kewaunee Fire meeting will be April 15th at 6:00 pm
Wisconsin Towns Association meeting will be May 20th at 7:00 pm
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron,
Dave Pederson, Randy Kleiman, Jesse Brinkmann, Chris Benes, Josh and Miki Wessel.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Melissa presented the WI Dept of Revenue Final Major Class Comparison. We are
72% overall - we will be receiving a notice that we are not in compliant. Melissa suggested that the next
revaluation should be done in 2026.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
We also received a email notice from Harter’s that we have garbage in our recycling. Harter’s asked that
we send out a flyer to the residents along with an explanation and a message to please help. Bonnie completed
on March 4th.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith stated that Chris Benes’ term on the Planned Commission is expiring. Chris has been asked to
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business –
Mashek’s Creek update – Brian presented the total estimated project cost from Ayres Associates – the total
is $458,177.50 – price has doubled as concrete is expensive (copy attached) The town is applying for the
Agri grant which is a 90/10 split.
The Gretz Company – 2024 mowing contract for the Town Hall and the Cemetery. The bid is for
$2,000.00. Mitch made a motion to accept the contract with Kurt seconding the motion.
Jesse Brinkmann presented information on the Facility Improvement Referendum for the Algoma
School District. This referendum question will be on the ballot for April 2nd. (copy attached)
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - Mashek’s creek update
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be April 9th, 2024 at 6:30 pm. The Annual meeting will be
April 16th, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:15 pm.
The annual audit of the books was completed after the monthly meeting.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Randy
Kleiman, Lee Miskovich, Josh and Miki Wessel. Assessor Melissa Daron is excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – No report.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business –
ARPA funds – after discussion, Mitch made a motion to designate the remaining balance of $54,471.71
for the 2024 road repair. Kurt seconded the motion.
Mashek’s Creek update – Brian has met with the DNR and Ayres Associates. We may need a temporary easement to access the culvert. In order to avoid having multiple special meetings, Kurt made a motion to appoint Brian Paplham the administrator to sign all the forms for the Mashek’s Creek Project. Mitch seconded the motion. In addition, a Agri grant has become available that will help fund replacing the culvert.
Culvert Inventory – All the towns in Wisconsin are required to complete an inventory of their culvert/small bridges in their Township. This request comes with specific requirements to report. Delmore Consulting has been recommended by the Wisconsin Towns Association. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to accept and sign the contract with Delmore Consulting. Kurt seconded the motion. (copy attached)
Kewaunee County Lakes Association – Randy Kleiman presented the DNR Monitoring Summaries for East Alaska,West Alaska, and Krohn’s lakes.(copies attached) He also informed us of the projects that have been completed and the new projects in the future. In addition, they continue to stock the lakes with fish, and also
they offer (4) $1,000 scholarships.
County Board Report – No report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - Mashek’s creek update
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be March 20th, 2024 at 6:30 pm, with the auditing of the books to follow.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:05 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron,
Dave Pederson, Tim Selner, Lee Miskovich, Joe Lukes and Adam Bitzen.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Melissa is still working with lawmakers on the personal property.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – Adam Bitzan was present to express he concern on the snow removal from the
winter blizzard of January 12th & 13th. This storm was exceptional in size along with the wind
conditions. After discussion, not much more could have been done.
County Board Report – Joe Lukes was present to update us on the county. They are looking at potentially purchasing the WPS building in Kewaunee. Also county is holding interviews for administrator and highway commissioner.
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be February 21st, 2024 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron,
Dave Pederson, Greg Lefevre, Lee Miskovich, Josh & Mikki Wessel.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Personal Property still not going well. Melissa is working with the lawmakers.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
After discussion, the board has decided to wait on the ditch mowing contract with Schleis Farms Custom
Services. We will look to bid out in spring. Bonnie presented the Election Board for the 2024-
2025 Election term. Copy attached. Bonnie also presented the bartender license application for James
Kitzinger. Mitch made a motion to approve with Kurt seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be January 17th, 2024 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron,
Dave Pederson, Greg Lefevre, Josh & Mikki Wessel.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Still working on the personal property issues – not going well.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
J. Jadin snow removal contract – the rates for the equipment has been increased by $15 per hour with the
salt mix being increased by $10.00 per yard. Copy attached. Mitch made a motion to approve the contract
for the 2023-2024 snow season. Command Central Election Hardward Maintenance Agreement – the
contract will remain the same for services and cost as last year. Copy attached. Kurt made a motion to
approve with Mitch seconding the motion. Lakeshore Area Vintage Snowmobile Club has submitted their
applications for the radar runs scheduled for February 2024. They have requested two different dates in
case of unfavorable weather conditions. Feb 3rd and Feb 10th. Mitch made a motion to approve the licenses
with Kurt seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be December 20th, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Supervisor Mitch Stauber,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron,
Dave Pederson, Robert Pederson, Nick Achtermeier, Keith Romdenne, Richelle Pribek, John Bitzan,
Adam Bitzan, Greg Lefevre, and Lee Miskovich.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Conflicting answers from the Dept of Revenue on how to proceed with eliminating
the personal property tax. They have until January to get it straightened out. The court case has
been closed and the verdict was in favor of the Town of Pierce. All complaints filed with the DOR
have been closed and found in favor of Melissa.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
It was decided to hold a special meeting to go over Harter’s Contract, & Algoma City Fire Contract.
In addition we will conduct the budget workup for 2024 and discuss the road repair for 2024. The
Special meeting will be held October 25th, 2023 at 7:00 pm.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Board of appeals - after discussion Josh Wessel has been appointed a member with Jim Marquardt being an alternate. Tim Selner has been appointed the Chairman. Edith stated that the Plan Commission met on
October 16th for Adam Bitzan. They recommended to rezone his property to correct property lines and
grant the additional piece from Laurel Teske. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve with
Kurt seconding the motion. Richelle Pribek was present to ask if she needed a variance meeting to put
an addition onto her house. She is to take measurements and report back to Edith.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business –
Alaskan Motor Inn - DATCP will not help in the situation. Brian contacted DSPS and we have been
assigned a building inspector already. Chad is moving fast, so hopefully this can be resolved. No building
permits will be issued.
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be November 15th, 2023 at 6:30 pm with budget meetings to follow.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner,
Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron, Dave Pederson
and Amber Hewett. Supervisor Mitch Stauber was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Melissa reported that Personal Property Tax will be eliminated for the 2024 tax roll.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented a bartender application for John Ward. He will be working at Red’s Rock n’ Shore.
After discussion, Kurt made a motion to approve the license with Brian seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith stated that a hearing was held for Simon and Amber Hewett as they wish to put up 2 signs for their
business. The Plan Commission Board has given their approval. After discussion, Kurt made a motion
to approve the request for the signs with Brian seconding the motion.
Board of Appeals positions will be addressed at the next town board meeting.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business –
Alaskan Motor Inn - Brian had contacted Brett Guilette, our building inspector and he was to contact the State
on our behalf. Since Brian hadn’t heard back, he contacted Brett again, now he is saying he won’t complete
the task and that we should hire a lawyer and file a claim with DATCP. Brian has already completed a claim
and will submit to DATCP on our behalf.
Mayshek’s Creek – Ayres Associates has contacted us and will be starting to test and inspect the culvert
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - Algoma Fire Contract and Schleis Farm Ditch Cutting Contract.
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be October 18th, 2023 at 7:00 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Tracy Nollenberg,
Lee Miskovich, Randy and Renee Ebert. Assessor Melissa Daron was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith Lauscher stated that she held 2 zoning meetings on August 14th. The first was for Lakeside Community
Church for Conditional Use hearing. The zoning board made a recommendation to allow the sign to be
Displayed on County Rd K. The second meeting was for Randy & Renee Ebert to rezone a parcel from A-2 to A-1 and a Conditional Use hearing to allow home for farm use. The zoning board also made a recommendation to
allow the rezone and the home for farm use. After discussion Mitch made a motion to grant both parties
their requests. Kurt seconded the motion. Edith also stated that (2) members of the Board of Appeals terms
are expiring in September - Justin Temme and Tim Selner. Edith will post the positions. Brian will ask
Justin and Tim if they wish to remain on the board. Also Walter Zimmerman was granted a variance from
Kewaunee County for his house. He doesn’t feel he needs a variance hearing since the County already
granted his request. He is asking that the hearing be waved. After discussion, the board agreed that it would
be duplicating the County. No reason for the hearing.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business –
Fire Contract with Algoma City – the City of Algoma, Ahnapee, Lincoln and Pierce met to discuss the contract.
A contract is being drawn up – 3 year contract, 90 days advance notice for negotiations, we will each pay for
fire call, assessed by population, and we will have quarterly meetings. Fire station is not part of the contract.
Brian will bring the contract to next month’s meeting.
New Business –
Mashek Creek – replace culvert. Brian has contacted Ayres Associates to engineer this project. They
have provided us with their proposal for the culvert structure replacement design, bidding and inspection
for the Town. We will review and make a decision at our next regular meeting.
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be September 20th, 2023 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Jeff & Kim Cmejla, and Justin Temme. Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher was excused
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Dept of Revenue has stated that they are looking to make more personal property
categories exempt.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented liquor and soda license applications for the Roger Teske Memorial Pull. Also a bartender’s
application for Faith Kustka – she works at The Grove. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve licenses for the Roger Teske Tractor Pull and the bartender license for Faith Kustka. Kurt seconded the motion.
Zoning report – No report
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business –
Alaskan Motor Inn – The meeting was held on July 6th - after discussion it was decided to call in a
building inspector to assess the building. Brett Gillette has been contacted. RV in the parking lot was brought up but has been tabled at this time.
New Business –
Jeff & Kim Cmejla were present to ask about the rules on a retaining wall. After discussion, at this time it
is believed to be a replacement of an existing retaining wall. Brian will talk to Edith.
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be August 15, 2023 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher,
Lee Miskovich, Dave Pederson, Justin Temme and Tyler Slack.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – nothing to report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Annual liquor and soda license renewals – Bonnie presented the applications – they have been verified and the
fees have been paid. Bonnie also presented the bartender license renewals. Mitch made a motion to grant
renewals for The Grove, The Grain Loft, Jeff’s Sports Bar, Red’s Rock n Shore and the Alaskan Golf Club.
He also motioned for the renewal of Cherity Seiler and Kim Cmjela’s bartender licenses. Kurt seconded the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business –
Alaskan Motor Inn – Brian has been in contact with Cindy Kinnard at Kewaunee County. A meeting has
been set up for July 6th at 3:00 pm. Justin Temme was present to express his concern with the RV being
parked in the Inn’s parking lot. Brian will contact Matt Joski to see who owes it and we will proceed from there.
Justin also expressed his concern with the business signs still being in place and that the business it not running.
This issue will be discussed at the meeting on July 6th.
New Business –
Tyler Slack has requested to have his property on River Road detached from the City of Kewaunee and be
attached to the Town of Pierce. Brian gave him information on how the process works.
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be July 19, 2023 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
WEDNESDAY MAY 17th, 2023
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister,
Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher,
Lee Miskovich, Randy Kleiman, Mike Heggerty, Justin Temme and Mike Eveler.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with
Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – nothing to report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Mike Eveler presented his Certified Survey Map. Planned Commission has approved a rezone of 5 acres
from A-1 Prime Agricultural Land to A-2 General Agriculture. They are dividing their parcel. After
discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the rezone, with Kurt seconding the motion.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business –
Justin Temme expressed his concern with the situation at the old Alaskan Hotel property. There are renters
living in there with no plumbing. The building has been condemned by the Kewaunee County Health Dept.
Justin wants this rectified. He talks to Kewaunee County and they direct him back to us. Brian will
contact Matt Joski, Andrew Naze, Cindy Kinnard, and Joe Nemeck to set up a special meeting to discuss.
New Business –
Tyler Slack will be on the agenda for next month.
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The next regular meeting will be June 21st, 2023 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, and Lee Miskovich.
Supervisor Kurt Burmeister was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Melissa stated that we will need to schedule a meet and adjourn meeting for Board of Review.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith stated that we have Mitch Stauber and Lee Miskovich appointed for the Planned Commission. Brian
will confirm with Gene Gozdzialski that he wants to remain as a member.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business –
Lawn mowing contracts - we received a contract from The Gretz Company for $2,000 to cut, trim, and
maintain an aesthetically appearance for the town hall and the cemetery lawns for the 2023 growing season.
Mitch made a motion to approve the contract with Brian seconding the motion.
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - none
Other matters – none
The meet and adjourn meeting for Board of Review will be held on May 17th at 7:20 pm
The next regular meeting will be May 17th, 2023 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 6:45 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Randy Kleiman and Lee Miskovich.
Bonnie read the minutes from the January and February regular Board meetings. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Melissa’s said her computer and assessment program are now up and running.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith stated that we have (2) planned commission members that are up for renewal. Edith will post.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting -
-Lawn cutting bids
-Review salaries for zoning administrator, assessor and town treasurer.
Other matters – none
Annual meeting will be April 18, 2023 at 7:00 pm.
The next regular meeting will be April 19, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Due to inclement weather predicted, the meeting date, time, and agenda were amended. Notices were
reposted on the boards and on the website.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, and Treasurer Linda Gretz. Supervisor Kurt Burmeister was excused.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
The next regular meeting will be March 22nd, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 8:10 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher and Lee
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – the personal property statements have been sent out.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Lakeshore Vintage Snowmobile Club has submitted their license applications for the Radar Runs for
February 4th & 5th. After review, Mitch made a motion to approve the liquor and soda licenses along with
the renewal for Richard Romsos bartender’s license. Kurt seconded the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith stated that the Farm Land Preservation will need to be update in 2027. We will have to set
money aside for this.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Agenda Items for next month’s meeting - we will conduct our annual audit of the books after the meeting.
Other matters - none
The next regular meeting will be February 22, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Kurt Gretz, Dave Pederson, Tim Selner and Jesse Brinkmann.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – Melissa finally received the updated list from the trailer park.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
The final draft was received for the Algoma Ambulance Contract. After review, Mitch made a motion
to accept the contract with Algoma City. Kurt seconded the motion. Brian will go to the City tomorrow
to give the okay to issue the contract. We will sign at next meeting. Copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business –
Jesse Brinkmann introduced himself as the new Superintendent for the Algoma School District. He explained
the programs that they are working on with Kewaunee, Luxemburg-Casco and Denmark school districts for the students.
Brian also discussed the grant we are applying for. Mashek Creek has major issues going on – washing out.
Matt with the DNR is helping us.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - none
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be January 18th, 2023 at 6:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Joe Lucas
and Joe Nutini.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – nothing to report.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
The Ambulance Contract will be tabled until a later date.
Bonnie presented the Command Central maintenance contract for our voting machine. Mitch made a motion to
approve with Kurt seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – Joe Lucas gave an update on the County Board.
Public Comment - none
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be December 21, 2022 at 6:30 pm. - changed to December 20th at 6:30 pm
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Michael Heggerity, Lee Miskovich, Randy Kleiman, Jerry and Kathy Nimmer.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – nothing to report.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the Voting Equipment Agreement with Kewaunee County and the Non-sufficient fund check policy for the Town of Pierce. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the Voting Equipment Agreement and the Non-Sufficient Fund check policy. Kurt seconded the motion. (copies attached)
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith presented the rezone from A-1 to A-2 for 2 acres for Jerry and Kathy Nimmer along with a rezone from
A-1 to A-2 for 5 acres for Ronald & Judith Kleiman. The Planned Commission has given their approval for both
properties with a stipulation on the Nimmer’s that it must be completed within one year. Mitch made a motion to approve both rezones with the one year stipulation on the Nimmer property. Kurt seconded the motion.
Randy Kleiman represented his parents Ronald and Judith Kleiman. He presented a Certified Survey Map for the board to approve. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the CMS with Kurt seconding the motion.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - none
Other Matters - none
The work budget meeting will be October 26th, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
The next regular meeting will be November 16th, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Michael Heggerity, Greg Lefevre, Lee Miskovich, John Joski Jr, Nancy Utesch and Lynn Utesch. Supervisor Kurt Burmeister is excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – All reports have been filed for the 2022 Tax Assessments.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the 2022-2023 Snow Removal Contract from J. Jadin Inc. The contract has increased hourly
by $15.00 with the salt/mix increased by $10.00 per yard. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to
approve the contract with Brian seconding the motion. Motion carried. (copy attached)
Zoning report – Copy attached.
John Joski Jr presented a CSM for his mother – Patricia Joski. They are separating out a square of land.
After discussion, Brian made a motion to approve the CMS with Mitch seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Edith stated that John Annoye and Jeff Cmejla’s terms on the Board of Appeals are expiring. Jeff Cmejla has agreed to remain on for another term. Michael Heggerity is replacing John Annoye as an alternate.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Nancy and Lynn Utesch presented the board with pictures of 4th road (copy attached)
where there is water standing in 2 spots and will not drain. They would like this fixed. After discussion,
Brian will talk to J. Jadin and have them put their wing down when plowing so it does not leave a berm on
the edges of the road. We will revisit this situation in the spring if the plowing doesn’t work.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be October 19th, 2022 at 7:00 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Supervisor Kurt Burmeister called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Justin Temme, Michael Heggerity, Greg Lefevre, Diane Junion, Kim Junion, & Margaret Zellner. Brian Paplham is excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Kurt seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached. Liquor & soda license applications were presented for the
Roger Teske Memorial Tractor Pull. Mitch made a motion to approve with Kurt seconding the motion.
A bartender application was presented for Naida Yang. Mitch made a motion to approve with Kurt seconding
the motion. Both motions carried.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith presented a rezone of property for the Junion family. The Planned Commission approved the rezone on
their August 8th meeting. Mitch made a motion to approve the rezone with Kurt seconding the motion. Edith
will post a notice for the Board of Appeals. John Annoye and Jeff Cmejla’s terms will be expiring. Edith also
stated that she did send a certified letter concerning the motorhome at the Alaskan Motel. Alex responded today that he is not living in it and it will be removed.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – 4th road will not be discussed this evening as there are future meetings
The IOH complaints will be discussed next month.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be September 21st, 2022 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Justin Temme, Michael Heggerity, and Nancy Utesch
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached
Assessor’s Report – No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached. Department of Health Services has submitted an open records
request for the City of Algoma Ambulance invoices, and the invoices we sent to residents for ambulance
service from January 2021 to present. In addition, they requested a copy of the Ambulance Contract between
City of Algoma and Town of Pierce. Bonnie has compiled the information requested and will send to them
by certified mail on July 21, 2022.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Justin Temme and Michael Heggerity were present to discuss the motorhome at the Alaskan Motel.
It appears that someone is living in there or the Motel. In either case this is not permitted as the Motel has
been condemned and we have an ordinance that states you can not live in a motorhome. Edith will send a
register letter to the party involved.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – 12th Road project has been completed. Nancy Utesch was present and has asked to
be placed on the agenda for next month’s meeting. She would like to discuss the condition of 4th road.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - listed previously – Nancy Utesch, Justin Temme & Michael Heggerity
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be August 17th, 2022 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, and Dave Pederson.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached. Linda presented the Mobile Home Park license renewal for Beirold Mobile Home Park – Juergen Beirold. The 2 year renewal fee has been paid. Mitch made a motion to approve the license with Kurt seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Assessor’s Report – No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached. Bonnie presented the liquor and soda license renewal applications for The Grove, Jeff’s Sports Bar, Alaskan Golf Club, The Grain Loft and Red’s Rock N Shore. She also presented the bartender license applications for Jeff Cmejla, Laurie Geurts, Lindsay Geurts, Gary Pazdera, Barb Witcpalek, Lani Swanson, Jonathon Phelps Matthews, Stacey Vecellio, and Jennifer Highland. All fees have been paid. Kurt made a motion to approve all of the license renewals with Mitch seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – Brian presented the situation happening on 12th East of KK – road washing away. Brian contacted Scott Construction and Matt’s Services LLC. Scott Construction will provide cold mix wedging in various spots using 165 ton – cost $20,295.00 and Matt’s Services LLC will clean out and provide the clear breaker run – cost $4,000.00. Kurt made a motion to accept the proposals from Scott Construction and Matt’s Services LLC. Mitch seconded the motion. Motion carried. Brian abstained from voting.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be July 20th, 2022 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:40 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Lee Miskovich, Michael Hegerty, Tori Johnson, Dale and Maureen Gross.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Kurt seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report – No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached. Bonnie presented Resolution 2022-01 Resolution Adopting Procurement Policy for Expenditure of Federal Funds. After discussion, Kurt made a motion to adopt the Procurement Policy Resolution with Mitch seconding the motion. Motion carried
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – Tori Johnson was present to express her concern over the Bruce / Heather Witcpalek property.
Shingles, couches etc have been hauled into the property. She has tried talking with them to no avail. After discussion, Brian will call the DNR to see if there is anything that can be done.
Lee Miskovich informed the board that they should take a look at 10th & Longfellow & 42 the creek is high and close to the road. He thinks we may have a washout issue. Brian will check it out.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - None
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be June 15th, 2022 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Scott Nasgovitz, Linda Roberts, Michael Hegerty, Dale and Maureen Gross.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Melissa stated that the assessment roll will not be complete so we will need to meet
and adjourn the Board of Review. We will schedule this for Tuesday May 17th at 7:30 pm.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached. Edith stated that the Board of Appeals met on April 12th to hear the request of Linda Roberts for a conditional use to have short term rentals. The Board of Appeals made a recommendation to allow the conditional use. Mitch made a motion to grant the conditional use for short term rentals. Kurt seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
Scott Nasgovitz from Bug Tussel presented the wireless broadband and fiber optic options that their company offers. He is suggesting we wait for the fiber optic which is projected to come thru in late fall of 2022.
Speeds would be 300 mb for $74, 500 mb for $98, and 1 gb for $120 with a monthly router fee of $14.99. It would be unlimited usage and no caps.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service and for doing a great job.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be May 17, 2022 and will follow the Board of Review Meet and
Adjourn meeting which is scheduled for 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, and Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - no report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached. Bonnie presented a bartender’s application for Aimie Gallenberger.
Mitch made a motion to approve the license with Kurt seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached. Edith stated that Greg LeFevre’s term on the Board of Appeals is expiring
in April. Edith will post the position.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – Kurt reported on his search for internet service for the town hall. After discussion, Kurt will continue his search and also invite Bug Tussel to attend our April meeting.
New Business – Brian presented the lawn mowing contract from The Gretz Company in the amount of $1,700.
This contract is to mow the town hall and cemetery lawns. After a short discussion Kurt made a motion to
approve with Mitch seconding the motion. Copy attached.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - none
Other Matters - none
Annual meeting will be April 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm.
The next regular meeting will be April 20, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 7:05 pm.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Lee Miskovich, Randy Kleiman and Dave Pederson.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - no report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – Brian suggested getting the internet at the Town Hall. We would be able to attend
conferences via zoom instead of driving. In addition, there are more grants available and they hold
webinars to inform us on how to fill out the forms etc. We will look into the different options available
and report back next month.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be March 16, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 6:55 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Lee Miskovich and Dave Pederson.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - no report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – Jeff Wisnicky was present to introduce himself as he is running for Circuit Court Judge for
Kewaunee County.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson and Lee Miskovich thanked the board for their service. Lee also
asked about our website not showing the last months minutes. We explained they need to be approved by the board before they can be posted. He asked if we could post the next meeting date. Bonnie will post the next meeting date when she posts the approved minutes.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be February 16, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 6:55 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Randy Kleiman and Dave Pederson.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - no report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the request and documents for the Lakeshore Area Vintage Snowmobile Association. They are requesting a temporary liquor license for the Radar Runs in February. Richard Romsos also submitted his documentation for his bartender’s license. Mitch made a motion to approve the licenses with Kurt seconding the motion. Bonnie also presented the Election Board renewal for 2022 – 2023. Copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Randy Kleiman spoke on the usage of salt for the roads. He said the salt doesn’t go away, it goes into the land, the water ways etc. Brian said we use crusher dust and very little salt brine on our roads.
Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be January 19, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
A closed session meeting will be held December 20, 2021 at 6:30 to discuss litigation pertaining to the Gross VS Town of Pierce case.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 6:50 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, and Dave Pederson. Supervisor Kurt Burmeister was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - no report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the City of Kewaunee’s Fire and Ambulance Contracts for 2022. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the contracts with Brian seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be December 15, 2021 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 7:13 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, and Randy Kleiman. Assessor Melissa Daron was excused.
Brian made a motion to amend the agenda to add discussion of Kewaunee City Ambulance and
J Jadin Inc snow plowing contract. Mitch seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Following the 2020 Census, the towns are required to establish municipal voting wards using the census information. Kewaunee County Land Information Director Steve Hanson has prepared the new voting wards for the Town of Pierce. Bonnie presented the Resolution – Adoption of Municipal Ward Plans for Voting Purposes. The Town of Pierce will now have 3 voting wards. Copy attached. Mitch made a motion to adopt the Resolution with Kurt seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Zoning report – copy attached.
The Plan Commission met for a Rezone Hearing for Ronald and Judith Kleiman. They want to rezone approximately 24.35 acres for the purpose of selling the land. The Plan Commission made the recommendation to the town board to rezone the property. Kurt made a motion to approve the recommendation with Mitch seconding. Motion carried. Randy Kleiman presented a Certified Survey Map for his parents Ronald and Judith Kleiman which shows the property being sold. After reviewing, Kurt made a motion to approve the CSM with Mitch seconding. Motion carried.
The following people have been appointed to the Board of Appeals for another term. Mary Paplham, John Annoye and Lynn Utesch.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – Brian Paplham reported on the Kewaunee City Ambulance division of costs. Currently we are being charged using Equalized Value, but they have now calculated the costs using Per Capita. Brian gave a chart showing the figures and the comparison. Copy attached. Using Per Capita the Town of Pierce will save approximately $4,800. After discussion, Kurt made a motion to instruct Kewaunee City to use Per Capita to calculate the future ambulance contracts. Mitch seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Bonnie presented the J Jadin Inc snow plowing contract for 2021-2022. Copy attached. The equipment hours have been increased by $5.00 per hour from last year’s contract. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the snow plowing contract for J. Jadin Inc for 2021-2022. Kurt seconded the motion. Motion carried.
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
The Special Budget work meeting will be October 26, 2021 at 6:30 pm
The next regular meeting will be November 17, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
The Budget Hearing, Special Meeting of Electors, and Special Board Meeting will be November 17, 2021 following the regular meeting.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 8:00 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron, Dave Pederson, Amber & Simon Hewett, Randy Ebert, Chris Granius and Tim Selner
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Melissa stated that the Market Drive Program she using for assessing has been sold.
May need to change programs.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – copy attached.
The Plan Commission met for a Rezone and Conditional Use Hearing for Simon and Amber Hewett for short term rental property with rezone. The Plan Commission made the recommendation to the town board to rezone the property and allow short term rentals. Mitch made a motion to approve the recommendation with Kurt seconding. Motion carried. Randy Ebert presented a Certified Survey Map which shows the property he is selling to Chris Granius. After reviewing, Mitch made a motion to approve the CSM with Kurt seconding. Motion carried.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – Brian Paplham reported on the meeting he attended concerning the Kewaunee City Ambulance Contract. They are looking at different ways to make the division of costs fair to the towns. They will be meeting again on September 20th.
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
The next regular meeting will be October 20th, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:50 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron, Dave Pederson, and Gary Pazdera
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Open Book for 2021 was held on August 12, 2021.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Local redistricting for the voting wards needs to be done in Kewaunee County. Steve Hanson, Kewaunee County Land Information Officer has offered to complete this for the Towns, Cities and Villages at no cost. Mitch made a motion to approve Steve Hanson completing this task for the Town of Pierce. Kurt seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Zoning report – copy attached.
The Plan Commission met for Gary and Barb Pazdera on July 20th to rezone a parcel on Alaska Lake Road to
put a modular home on. The Plan Commission made the recommendation to rezone the parcel. Kurt made a motion to approve with Mitch seconding. Motion carried.
Kurt and Linda Gretz presented a Certified Survey Map which combines two of their parcels into one. Mitch made a motion to approve with Kurt seconding. Motion carried.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
The next regular meeting will be September 15th, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 7:50 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Dave Pederson, and Tim Selner. Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher is excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Nothing to report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – no report
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
The next regular meeting will be August 18th, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 7:50 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Alan Johnson and Tiffany McCoy.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Nothing to report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the renewal applications for the Annual Liquor and Soda Licenses for the following businesses:
Alaskan Golf Club, Red’s Rock n Shore, The Grove, Jeff’s Sports Bar & Grill and The Grain Loft. Bonnie also presented the renewals for the bartender licenses of Kim Cmejla and Stacey Vecellio.
Mitch made a motion to approve the applications and issue the annual licenses for another year. Kurt second the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Kurt made a motion to approve the claims with Mitch seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business –
Alan Johnson and Tiffany McCoy were present to express their frustration with the noise coming from
The Grain Loft across the road from them. This establishment holds wedding events. They are also concerned with the safety of the guests. Alan and Tiffany are seeking guidance from the board on how to proceed as they have tried to talk to the owners of The Grain Loft. Mitch stated that the Town of Pierce does not have a town ordinance for noise but that Kewaunee County does. He advised them to contact the Kewaunee County Sheriff’s Dept for assistance. Brian also stated that they could contact Matt Joski, the Sheriff directly to help them mediate.
Brian presented the bids for the work needing to be done on 3rd road and also on 4th road. The project amounts would be $4,234.50 for 3rd and $16,352.00 for 4th road. (copy attached) After discussion, Mitch made a motion to accept the bids with Kurt seconding the motion.
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
The next regular meeting will be July 14th, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 8:25 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, and Tim Selner.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Nothing to report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Jeff Cmejla submitted an application for a variance meeting. The meeting will be held May 26th.
Justin Temme, Tim Selner, and Dave Pederson have been appointed to the Board of Appeals.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
The next regular meeting will be June 16th, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 8:00 pm
Supervisor Kurt Burmeister called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson and Sheriff Matt Joski. Chairman Brian Paplham was excused.
Sheriff Matt Joski presented a power point on our current jail facility planning status. The attached copy lists the issues with the current jail, the studies they have done, the options available and the potential impact to the taxpayers. Currently the county board has halted at phase 3 so they can review the work done so far. Matt said you can tour the jail to see for yourself the condition of the jail. Please do not hesitate to contact Matt if you should have any questions.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Kurt seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - after discussion, May 19th, 2021 at 7:15 the Board of Review will meet and adjourn to a
future date.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Angela Kudick submitted her application for a Bartender License with the Town of Pierce. Bonnie presented her application and documentation. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the license with Kurt seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Chris Szydel and Chris Benes have been reappointed to the Plan Commission for another 3 years.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – Joe Lucas was present at the Annual Meeting on April 20th. He gave the following update:
1. End of May – Hwy 42 will be milled and over-layed from county line to county line
2. Jail – something has to be done only 16 cells can be used – the cells have issues
3. American Rescue Funds – no details yet on how to spend the money – but Kewaunee County is holding meetings with the municipalities to insure the money gets spent and not returned.
4. Broad band is coming – putting up 7 new Towers and putting 6 satellites on other towers that are already standing.
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
The next regular meeting will be May 19, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:20 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Gene Gozdzialski, Randy and Renee Ebert.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Melissa reported we have (2) new assessment rules starting in January of 2022.
First Rule – Board of Review Training will be required every year.
Second Rule – Omitted Property will be reported and now will be separated and paid out if the dollar amount is over $250.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith reported that the Plan Commission met on February 22 to discuss the Conditional Use for Randy & Renee Ebert to be allowed to operate a slaughter house. The Plan Commission made a recommendation to allow a slaughter house with a limit of 20 animals per week and that it be animals from Ebert’s farm and only butchering for themselves. After discussion, Kurt made a motion to accept the Plan Commission’s recommendation and grant the conditional use. Mitch seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Edith also reported that the Plan Commission met on February 23 to discuss a Rezone on Randy Ebert’s land on County K so he may sell it. The Plan Commission made the recommendation that is should be rezoned from A-1 Prime Ag to A-2 General Ag. Kurt made a motion to grant the Rezoning of the land as the Plan Commission recommended. Mitch seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – Brian presented the lawn mowing contract from The Gretz Company – Greg Gretz.
2021 Annual amount of $1,650.00 to cut, trim and maintain the town hall lawn and the cemetary. Mitch made a motion to accept the contract, with Kurt seconding the motion. Motion carried.
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
Annual Meeting will be April 20, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
The next regular meeting will be April 21, 2021 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Kurt. Adjourned at 7:00 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Brian Hansen, and Greg Lefevre. Supervisor Kurt Burmeister was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
A conditional use hearing was held for George and Laura Broniec for Short Term Rentals. The Plan Commission had a unanimous vote to allow them to have short term rentals. After a brief discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the Conditional Use with Brian seconding the motion.
Edith stated that (2) positions for the Plan Commission are up for renewal. Edith will post the positions.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters – none
The next regular meeting will be March 17, 2021 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 6:45 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, and Dave Pederson. Supervisor Kurt Burmeister is excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the contract from Schleis Farms Custom Services LLC. This contract is for ditch mowing. Nathan has given us an option of a 1 year contract or a 3 year contract. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the 3 year contract. Years 2021 & 2022 will be $13,728.00 and Year 2023 will be $14,000.00. Brian seconded the motion. (copy attached)
Zoning report – Copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – No report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson thanked the board for their service.
Other Matters –
Brian received a proposal from New Lighting Solutions to replace the lighting in the town hall. We can replace new or we can use the original fixtures and update. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to replace all the fixtures do not use retro. The cost will be $1,995.00. Brian seconded the motion. (copy of proposal attached)
The next regular meeting will be February 17, 2021 at 6:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 6:30 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Gene Gozdzialski, Dave Pederson, Joe Lucas and Kewaunee City Mayor Jason Jelinek.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Kurt seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - No report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the contract from Command Central for 2021. This contract is the Election Hardware Maintenance Agreement. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the contract with Kurt seconding
the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Town of Pierce’s Plan Commission did hold the public hearing for the update to Chapter 10: Zoning Ordinance.
The update was approved by the Pierce Town Plan Commission on November 18th, 2020. The update has now been certified by DATCP. After a brief discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the Adoption of the Town
Zoning Ordinance Update. Kurt seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – Joe Lucas informed us that Phase 1 & 2 are complete for the Jail project. In January,
they will be looking for approval to move forward with Phase 3 which is having the architect design the new
jail. Approximate cost $180,000. The jail has been out of compliance for years.
Public Comment - Jason Jelinek, Mayor for the City of Kewaunee extended his thank you for the communities working together. The donation of co-vid money for the ambulance cots was greatly appreciated.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be January 20, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 6:40 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Chris Szydel, Chris Benes, Greg Lefevre, Chad Delain and Gene Gozdzialski. Supervisor Kurt Burmeister was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Our assessments for the Town of Pierce are in compliance. 100.66
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the City of Kewaunee’s Fire and Ambulance Contracts for 2021. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the contracts with Brian seconding the motion.
Bonnie next presented the snow removal contract for J. Jadin Inc for the 2020 – 2021 season. There is a $5.00 increase per hour across the board. After discussion, Mitch made a motion to approve the contract with Brian seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Town of Pierce’s Plan Commission did hold the public hearing for the update to Chapter 10: Zoning Ordinance. The town board approval will be placed on the agenda for next month.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Mitch made a motion to approve the claims with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - None
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be December 16, 2020 at 6:00 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 7:27 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, and Justin Temme
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Nothing to report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Lakeshore Area Vintage Snowmobile Association submitted their liquor and soda license applications for their annual radar run. The event will be February 6, 2021. After review, Kurt made a motion to approve the licenses with Mitch seconding the motion.
Zoning report – Copy attached.
Edith stated that the Planned Commission will hold an open house on November 18th at 6:00 with the Public Hearing to follow at 6:30.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. A check has been issued to Scott Construction in the amount of $40,000.00 for a partial payment for the MLS Project along with a check for J Jadin Inc for full payment of $4,512.38. A motion was made by Mitch to approve the partial payment and the full payment with Kurt seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Motion by Mitch to approve the rest of the claims, with Kurt seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business –
The City of Kewaunee is looking to purchase additional cots for the ambulances as PPE/Co-vid. The cost to
Pierce Town will be $1,638.47. We will be able to use the Routes to Recovery Grant to cover this cost. Kurt
made a motion to approve the payment, with Mitch seconding the motion.
A bid was received by Gretz Construction to replace the front door, add a window, fix apron to front door, and replace door seal on side door. After discussion, we will table this until the Special Meeting – Budget work meeting.
The Special Budget work meeting will be October 26, 2020 at 6:00 pm
The Budget Hearing, Special Meeting of Electors, and Special Board Meeting will be November 18, 2020 starting at 7:30 pm.
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - None
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be November 18, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Mitch. Adjourned at 7:45 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, and Joe Lucas County Board Supervisor. Kurt Burmeister was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Brian seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Nothing to report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie presented the bartender applications for Linda Wautlet, Laurie Geurts, and Lindsay Geurts. Mitch made a motion to approve these licenses. Brian seconded the motion.
Voting Equipment Agreement – copy attached. Bonnie presented the agreement which is between Kewaunee County and the Town of Pierce. Kewaunee County will provide the Town of Pierce one voting machine for the sum of $4,883.00, not payable to Kewaunee County until 2021. Mitch made a motion to approve the agreement. Brian seconded the motion.
Zoning report – Edith stated that Jeannie Pederson’s term for the Board Of Appeals expires on September 25th. Edith will post the position.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Motion by Mitch to approve the claims, with Brian seconding the motion.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – Joe Lucas gave an update
-The county is reviewing salary increases
-Cindy Kinnard states that we have 290 Co-vid cases
-Land & Water issues must go thru the committee first. They will not go directly to the County Board.
-County is applying for another grant for the Broadband.
Public Comment - None
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be October 21st, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mitch to go into closed session. Brian seconded the motion.
A motion was made by Mitch to return to open session. Brian seconded the motion.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Brian. Adjourned at 8:15 pm
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Assessor Melissa Daron, Tim Selner, Greg LeFevre, and Dave Pederson. Edith Lauscher and Linda Gretz were excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Kurt seconding the motion.
Bonnie gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - All the Assessing Reports for the 2020 tax year have been filed with the Department of Revenue.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report – no report
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. A check has been issued to Scott Construction in the amount of $50,000.00 for a partial payment for the MLS Project. A motion was made by Kurt to approve the partial payment with Mitch seconding the motion. Motion carried.
Motion by Kurt to approve the rest of the claims with Mitch seconding.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment -
Dave Pederson expressed his gratitude and thanked the board for their hard work.
Other Matters - none
The next regular meeting will be September 16th, 2020 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mitch. The meeting adjourned at 7:58 P.M.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Assessor Melissa Daron, Dave Pederson, and Justin Temme.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Kurt seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - Melissa and Edith are working on developing a form that will detail improvements/remodeling that does not require a building permit. This form will aid Melissa in her assessing.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Bonnie applied for the WEC Cares Subgrant and the Town of Pierce was awarded $730.20 for election expenses due to CO-VID. Bonnie is also applying for additional funds from the Routes to Recovery Grant.
The cap on this grant is $13,656.00. This grant also helps with expenses the town incurs due to CO-VID.
Zoning report – copy attached.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Motion by Kurt to approve with Mitch seconding.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Justin Temme was present to express his concern for the security and safety at the Alaskan Motel. The County Health Department recently vacated and condemned the property. There are open windows and doors. Justin questioned as to who to contact to board up the property. He feels it is dangerous. The Board directed him to the County Health Department – Cindy Kinnard.
Dave Pederson expressed his gratitude and thanked the board for their hard work.
Other Matters - Brian stated that the culvert pipes on Longfellow road are raised and that he has been receiving complaints. After discussion, Brian will contact Ron Thompson to temporarily fix until next year.
The next regular meeting will be August 19th, 2020 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mitch. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Greg Lefevre, Jeff Wisnicky, Cody Gille and Haley Gille. Zoning Administration Edith Lauscher was excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Kurt seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached. In addition, Linda presented the Mobile Home Court 2 year Renewal Agreement. Mitch made a motion to approve the agreement with Kurt seconding the motion.
Assessor’s Report - no report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached. Bonnie presented the license renewal applications for the following businesses: The Grove, Jeff’s Sports Bar, The Grain Loft, Red’s Rock n Shore and The Alaskan Golf Course. After discussion, Kurt made a motion to approve all the liquor, soda, and bartender licenses for these businesses. Mitch seconded the motion.
Zoning report
Cody / Haley Gille - Ninth Road property. The Plan Commission approved the Conditional Use for the property as a campground. Cody presented his plans for the family affordable campground to the board. Mitch made a motion to approve the Conditional Use with Kurt seconding the motion. Motion carried.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Motion by Mitch to approve with Kurt seconding.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
The next regular meeting will be July 15th, 2020 at 7:30 pm.
Kurt made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mitch. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Assessor Melissa Daron, Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher, Dave Pederson, Maureen and Dale Gross.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Mitch made a motion to accept the minutes with Kurt seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - no report
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
Zoning report - copy attached.
The rezone and conditional use meeting for the old campground – property on 9th road will be hold on June 4th at 7:30 pm.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Motion by Kurt to approve with Mitch seconding.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson expressed his gratitude for all that the Board Members do for our community.
The next regular meeting will be June 17th, 2020 at 7:30 pm.
Mitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kurt. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
Chairman Brian Paplham called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
People present were: Chairman Brian Paplham, Supervisor Mitch Stauber, Supervisor Kurt Burmeister, Clerk Bonnie Selner, Treasurer Linda Gretz, Dave Pederson and Tim Selner. Assessor Melissa Daron and Zoning Administrator Edith Lauscher were excused.
Bonnie read the minutes from the last regular Board meeting. Kurt made a motion to accept the minutes with Mitch seconding the motion.
Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. Copy attached.
Assessor’s Report - no report
The assessment roll will not be finished by June 11th, so the Board of Review will have to meet and adjourn to a later date. The Board of Review will meet and adjourn on May 20th immediately following the regular board meeting. The dates are to be determined yet due to COVID-19.
Bonnie gave clerk report, copy attached.
The resolution to adopt the Kewaunee County All Hazards Mitigation Plan was presented. Kurt made a motion to approve the resolution to adopt the Mitigation Plan, Mitch seconded the motion.
The Algoma Fire & Rescue 2019 Year End Report was received and is attached.
The lawn mowing contract from The Gretz Company was presented. It will be the same as last year. $1,650.00 for the town hall and the cemetery. Kurt made a motion to approve the contract with Mitch seconding the motion.
Schleis Farms Custom Services LLC contract was signed and will be returned to Nathan.
Zoning report - copy attached.
Jeff Wisnicky emailed Edith on the 9th Road property – old campground to see if we received their application for rezone & conditional use permit. Due to COVID-19 we will be waiting to schedule a meeting.
Chad Delain’s term for Plan Commission will expire April 2020. Mitch made a motion to extend Chad’s term to April 2023 with Kurt seconding the motion.
The Sheriff’s report was received and filed.
Claims were presented by Bonnie. Motion by Kurt to approve with Mitch seconding.
Old Business – none
New Business – none
County Board Report – no report
Public Comment - Dave Pederson expressed his gratitude for all that the Board Members do for our community. Tim Selner also commented on the amount of work we do for our township. Tim asked when was the last time that the board received a salary increase. Brian stated that he was going to bring this item up as well. The last salary increase was 2015. This item will be brought up at the Annual Meeting.
The next regular meeting will be May 20, 2020 at 7:30 pm
Mitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kurt. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M.